Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My meeting with Wayne

Today I met with Wayne and we discussed possible project ideas that Ally and I could collaborate on with other Systems Science students. In the course of our conversation Wayne mentioned a 'free' program called Netlogo. Netlogo uses simple parameters to chart systems in action through a series of calculations. Pretty neat stuff.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Flyer

Here's a picture of the flyer that Ally and I created for Systems Science.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Ask Us..?

Ally and I decided to create a project where people can approach us with questions about various topics. But most specifically about Art and most likely we'll have books as references. And a lapop with Wi-Fi near by. The project would take the form of a stand more or less represented by our crude example displayed here.

this is a link to Dora's livejournal. she is very articulate and thourough. check it out.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Systems Science ROCKS

Check it out!!


Maybe we could get art on that list of affiliated departments...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Systems Science

Ally and I went to the Systems Science building and spoke with an enthusiastic young women named Dora. She painted as an undergrad at Maine. Here's her work. She was cool.
